Friday, April 17, 2020

Seed priming technique Essay Example

Seed priming technique Paper Abstraction Seed priming is a technique by which seeds are partly hydrated to a point where sprouting processes begin but extremist outgrowth does non happen. Priming can be found effectual both for leguminous plants and grain harvests. A pot experiment was conducted under green house conditions at Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi during summer of 2007. The seeds were invigorated by traditional soakage ( hydropriming ) , osmo-conditioning ( soaking of seeds in aerated, low-water-potential solutions ) utilizing, potassium di-hydrogen phosphate KH2PO4, Mannitol, Polyethylene ethanediol ( PEG ) , sodium molybdate ( Na2MO4.2H2O ) and hormonal priming by utilizing salicylic acid ( SA ) . The scopes of osmotic potency for all the priming interventions were -0.5 to -1.2 M Pa. All the animation interventions significantly affected works energy, biomass, root, shoot length and nodulation. Osmopriming utilizing P @ 0.60 % applied in the signifier of KH2PO4 significantly improved seed energy in footings of average outgrowth clip ( 5.52 to 4.51 yearss ) , concluding sprouting per centum ( 74 to 89 % ) root and shoot length and nodulation ( 0 to 4 nodules seedling-1 ) followed by Osmitrol priming ( Mannitol @ 2 % ) . Overall all the seed priming techniques significantly improved the energy of mungbean seedlings as comparison to command. The usage of polythene ethanediol is expensive and gave similar consequences as for dry seeding so it should be replaced by hydropriming in farther experiments. It is recommended that nutrient-priming and osmopriming can be used as effectual tool for animation of mungbean seeds, for better growing and seedling constitution. 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Mungbean ( Vigna radiata ( L. ) Wilczek ) is grown on over 200,000 hour angle with production of more than 100,000 T under rainfed and irrigated conditions in Pakistan. Outputs for the rainfed country are by and large low and variable due to sparse, fickle rainfall and fringy dirts. Mungbean production in Punjab Province is dependent chiefly on surface irrigation but it is besides grown under rain fed conditions. In the Southern part of Pakistan rainfall is bare and mungbean is grown with surface irrigation merely. Poor harvest constitution is a major restraint for mungbean production ( Naseem et. al. , 1997 ; Rahmianna et al. , 2000 ) and high outputs can be associated with early energy ( Kumar et al. , 1989 ) . Improved seed animation techniques are being used to cut down the sprouting clip, to acquire synchronised sprouting, better sprouting rate, and better seedling base in many horticultural ( Bradford et al. 1990 ; Rudrapal and Nakamura 1998 ) and field harvests like wheat, corn ( Aquilla and Tritto 1991 ; Basra et Al. 2002 ) and more late rice ( Farooq et al. 2004 ) . These animation techniques include hydropriming, osmoconditioning ( Basra et al. 2005 ) , osmohardening ( Farooq et al. 2006 ) and indurating ( Farooq et al. 2004 ) . These interventions can besides be employed for earlier and better babys room base constitution ( Lee et al. 1998 ) . This survey was initiated to research the effects of aerated hydration, hormonal priming ( salicylic acid ) , alimentary priming ( Phosphorous and molybdenum burden ) and osmo-conditioning on mungbean ( vigna radiata ) seed energy under green house conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seed stuff Seeds of mungbean cultivar Chakwal Mung-97 ( CH-MUNG 97 ) were obtained from Barani Agricultural Research Institute ( BARI ) , Chakwal. The seeds were sterilized by utilizing 30 % hypochlorite for five proceedingss and so washed three times with distilled H2O. Seed Treatments The following seed priming interventions were applied Food priming The seeds were soaked in aerated solution of phosphoric ( P @ 0.60 A ; 1.20 % ) and molybdate ( Mo @ 0.02 A ; 0.04 % ) . The beginnings for phosphoric and Mo were potassium dihydrogen phosphate ( KH2PO4 ) and sodium molybdate ( Na2MoO4.2H2O ) , severally. Osmopriming The seeds were soaked in aerated solutions of Osmitrol ( mannitol @ 2 % A ; 4 % ) and polyethylene glycole ( Polyethylene glycol @ 5 % A ; 10 % ) . Hormonal priming The seeds were soaked in aerated solution of salicylic acid ( SA @ 10 A ; 20 ppm ) Post intervention operations After seed treatments the seeds were given surface rinsing three times by distilled H2O. Aeration was besides applied by pump. Air dried dirt was placed in 10-cm tall plastic pots with 6-cm diameter. The dirt used in the pot experiment was flaxen loam holding pH of 7.9. Dirt was made crumbly by rubing the surface with a two centimeter broad table fork to a deepness of 1-cm of moist dirt. The seeds were besides inoculated before seeding. Ten Numberss of seeds were planted in each pot and thinned to six workss per pot. Similar sum of H2O applied in regular intervals to all pots under survey. The workss were harvested 21 yearss after seeding ( DAS ) , and seedlings root/shoot length were taken. The seedlings were dried at 75 oC for 48 hours and the dry affair was eventually determined. The complete randomized design ( CRD ) was used in pot experiment. Analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) was used to compare intervention agencies. Consequence The information showed that different seed priming interventions had important ( p lt ; 0.05 ) consequence on average outgrowth clip ( MET ) . The average outgrowth clip decreased with the application of seed priming interventions. Maximal average outgrowth clip ( 5.52 yearss ) observed in T1 ( control ) where dry untreated seeds were sown. Minimum ( 4.51 yearss ) MET was observed in T5 ( P @ 0.06 % applied in the signifier of KH2PO4 ) . All the interventions resulted in lower MET as comparison to command ( 5.52 yearss ) . The information besides revealed similar tendency with regard to fifty per centum ( E50 ) seeds to emerge as of MET. The lowest E50 was observed in T5 ( P @ 0.60 % ) . There was important ( p lt ; 0.05 ) consequence of different seed priming techniques on dry weight of 21 yearss old seedlings ( Fig 1 ) . The maximal fresh and dry weight was obtained in T5. All the priming interventions increased the fresh and dry weight of the seedlings except T2 and T12. Equally far as concluding sprouting is concerned maximal sprouting was achieved in T5 ( P @ 0.60 % ) . The lowest sprouting per centum was observed in T11 and T12 where polythene ethanediol was applied at the rate of five ( 5 ) and ten ( 10 ) per centum ( Table 1 ) . There was important ( p lt ; 0.05 ) consequence of different seed priming techniques on nodule formation and figure of 21 yearss old seedlings ( Fig 1 ) . All the priming techniques significantly increased the nodulation of seedlings as comparison to command except T10 and T12. Maximum nodule figure was observed in T5 ( P @ 0.60 % ) followed by T3 ( Mo @ 0.02 % ) . The information besides depicts that T9 and T11 are at par and T1, T10 and T12 gave similar consequences. The information depicts that seed priming had important impact on the root every bit good as shoot length, 21 yearss after seeding ( DAS ) . All the priming interventions significantly increased the root every bit good as shoot length of seedlings. The information revealed that T5 ( P @ 0.60 % ) and T9 ( mannitol @ 2 % ) gave the best consequences. The lowest root length ( 4.56 centimeter ) was observed in control. T4 ( Mo @ 0.04 % ) showed lower root length than T2 and T3 ( Mo @ 0.02 % ) and higher from control. Treatment T6 ( P @ 1.2 % ) showed lower root length than T5 ( P @ 0.06 % ) and at par with T1 and T4. Hormonal priming utilizing salicylic acid ( SA @ 20 ppm ) besides showed lower root length than T7 ( SA @ 10 ppm ) and at par with T4 and T6. The information besides showed that T10 ( mannitol @ 4 % ) is lower than T9 ( mannitol @ 2 % ) and at par with T7. The information besides depicts that T12 ( PEG @ 10 % ) showed lower root length as comparison to T11 ( PEG @ 5 % ) whic h showed besides higher root length than all other interventions except T2 and T9 ( Figure 1 ) . Maximal shoot length observed in the T5 ( P @ 0.06 % ) followed by T9 ( mannitol @ 2 % ) . The information besides depicts the shortest shoot length was observed in the control. The information besides revealed that T4 resulted in lower shoot length than T3 and T2. It is besides apparent that T6 is lower than T5 and at par with T3 and T2 ( Figure 1 ) . T8 showed higher shoot length than T7 and at par with T2, T3 and T6. Treatments T9 and T10 and T11, T12 besides showed similar consequences. Discussion Earlier and more unvarying sprouting and outgrowth was observed in fit seeds as indicated by lower MET and E50, higher sprouting per centum and root and shoot dry weight ( tables 1 ) . Lesser MET and E50 specify the earlier and rapid sprouting. These findings support the anterior work on canola ( Brassica compestris ) ( Zheng et al. , 1994 ) , wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) ( Nayyar et al. , 1995 ) and rice ( Oryza sativa ) ( Lee and Kim 2000 ; Basra et al. , 2003 ) who described improved sprouting rate and per centum in seeds subjected to hydropriming and seed hardening for 24 H. This survey revealed that osmo, food and hormonal priming could inspire mungbean seeds. One of the grounds for reduced MET is that during pre-sowing seed treatments the quiescence of the seed is broken and the seed bio-chemical procedures commences, which lead to faster sprouting and outgrowth ( Farooq et al. , 2006 ) . Seed priming ensured the proper hydration, which resulted in enhanced activity of a-amylase that hydrolyzed the macro amylum molecules in to smaller and simple sugars. The handiness of instant nutrient to the shooting seed gave a vigorous start as indicated by lower E50 and MET in treated seeds ( Farooq et al.,2006 ) during priming de novo synthesis of a-amylase is besides documented ( Lee and Kim, 2000 ) . Early outgrowth as indicated by lower E50 and MET in treated seeds may be due to the faster production of sprouting metabolites ( Saha et al. 1990 ; Lee A ; Kim 2000 ; Basra et Al. 2005 ) and better familial fix, i.e. earlier and faster synthesis of DNA, RNA and p roteins ( Bray et al. 1989 ) . Gray and Steckel ( 1983 ) besides concluded that priming increased embryo length, which resulted in early induction of sprouting in carrot seeds. The increased shoot and root length in fit workss can be due to metabolic fix of harm during intervention and that alteration in sprouting events i.e. , alterations in enzyme concentration and formation and decrease of slowdown clip between imbibition and radicle outgrowth ( Bradford et al. , 1990 ) . Treated seeds had stronger embryos that were able to more easy emerge from seeds ( Harris et al. , 2005 ) . These consequences are besides in line with the findings of Sekiya et Al. ( 2009 ) who reported enhanced root and shoot length of seedlings obtained from P enriched seeds. To lend to works growing and development seed priming has been widely reported technique ( Harris et al. , 2005 ) . Ajouri et Al. ( 2004 ) reported a stimulation of P and Zn uptake, every bit good as an improved sprouting and seedling growing in barley after soaking seeds in H2O and in solutions incorporating 5-500 millimeter P. It has been besides reported fresh seeds had higher energy degrees ( Ruan et al. 2002 ) , which resulted in earlier start of outgrowth as high energies seed tonss performed better than low vigour 1s ( Hampton and Tekrony 1995 ) . Yamauchi and Winn ( 1996 ) besides reported positive correlativity between seed energies and field public presentation in rice. Earlier, Zheng et Al. ( 2002 ) reported earlier and unvarying outgrowth in rice seeds osmoprimed with KCl and CaCl2 and assorted salts under afloat conditions. Hydropriming improved the early and vigorous harvest constitution in corn ( Nagar et al. 1998 ) and Helichrysum bracteatum L. ( Grzesik A ; Nowak 1998 ) . However, other surveies resulted in hapless outgrowth from hydroprimed Kentucky blue grass seeds under field conditions ( Pill A ; Necker 2001 ) . However Nascimento and West ( 1999 ) reported early sprouting of fit seeds but non recorded any betterment in the growing of seedlings in sweet melon seeds under research lab conditions. Confusing consequences, where priming did non demo any good consequences, besides reported by different research workers ( Mwale et al. , 2003 ; Giri and Schillinger, 2003 ) . The addition of nodulation, seedling energy and tolerance to emphasiss may depend on assorted factors happening during priming intervention. One hypothesis is that benefits of priming can be due to metabolic fix of harm during intervention and that alteration in sprouting events i.e. , alterations in enzyme concentration and formation and reduces lag clip between imbibition and radicle outgrowth ( Bradford et al. , 1990 ) . One of the possible grounds for early nodule formation may be due to enhanced activity of a-amylase and sucrose synthase in primed seeds which may ease works growing and energy ( Lee and Kim, 2000 ) . From the present survey it may be concluded that seed priming may heighten the seedling energy of mungbean. Nutrient priming utilizing phosphoric and osmopriming with Osmitrols were the most efficient priming interventions in this survey. In farther research work biochemical footing for the enhanced phenology of mungbean may be evaluated. Mentions Aquilla D. A. , V. Tritto. 1991. Germination and biochemical activities in wheat seeds following delayed harvest home, ageing and osmotic priming. 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