Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Note On Race And Capital Punishment Essay

Race and Capital Punishment When a person is charged with Capital punishment we automatically think they are a dangerous criminal, but what if someone was charge simply because of their race. Well, there have been many researches done along with statistical evidence to confirm that this may be in fact the case for African-Americans. The United States Constitution was established so that every Citizen in America is guaranteed their basic rights which include; guarantee a fair process in all hearings and equal treatment under the law. African-Americans have struggled throughout our history with unfair treatment and equality. For example, the decades of slavery and the struggle of passing the equal voting rights bill in 1965. This may have passed us, but many African-Americans are still dealing with racial discrimination and this time it’s with the Criminal Justice system in particular, Capital Punishment. There have been intensive studies and evidence coming up showing how race can in fact play a major rol e when determining if you get a sentence to Capital Punishment or not, even if you are in fact innocent. We are to believe with our Constitution, bill of rights, and laws that every citizen no matter what race you are will be treated equally fair and justice will hopefully be served, but throughout our history up until now we are finding out that ultimately what will decide the outcome of a citizens fair and equal trial is the color of their skin. The treatment ofShow MoreRelatedA Report On Capital Punishment3250 Words   |  13 Pages2014 Karelia Stetz-Waters Technical Writing Instructor Linn-Benton Community College 6500 Pacific Blvd, SW Albany, OR 97321 Dear Ms. Stetz-Waters: Enclosed is my report on â€Å"Capital Punishment†. This report begins with a brief background of the history of capital punishment and an overview of what capital punishment is defined as. 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